It is ironic how every time something interesting happens, I think about writing it on the blog but by the time I reach home, I’m too drain out to even type it out. And eventually, this poor little blog is left neglected.
Well anyway, I am now doing anaesthesia and I’ve been meaning to share with you my thoughts about how I am finding this new rotation.
Even before starting anaesthesia, I had this voice in my head telling me that it was going to be a boring two weeks in the OT but I had to remind myself to stop being judgemental and to give it a chance.
I must say that it was one of the few rotations where I got a proper introduction by the clinical supervisor and later on, we attended a small clinical workshop on intubation. I have had three days in anaesthesia so far but I haven’t had to chance to intubate any patients yet. I hope that I will have the opportunity to do so later on in the rotation.
How the days go about depend entirely on who I am attached with. There are some doctors who are enthusiastic to teach, others who happily answer all of my silly questions and then there are those who do not want to be disturbed and who don’t want me to touch anything at all.
Sometimes I take a small stroll out of the OT and go observe the ECTs that are being performed. I think that my love for psychiatry takes over me from time to time and I think it is pretty obvious at times. One anaesthetist turned to me and asked ‘Are you interesting in psychiatry?’ and I happily nodded of course!
I usually spend the rest of my time in the OT reading my book and asking questions if the doctors are willing to answer me. Otherwise, I stared at the GA machine or watch the surgery, wondering how long did the surgeons trained to be where they are now.
Anyway that is how my first three days in anaesthesia have been so far. I hope that I will enjoy myself during the rest of the posting.
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