So I met up with a friend today at lunch and I was telling him that I wanted to do psychiatry as my elective but I wasn't able to get a placement in psychiatry and I got oncology instead, which was my second choice.
In the cafeteria
Friend: Psychiatry? You wanted to do psych as an elective?
Me: Yeah, I like psychiatry. It's really nice
Friend: Really? Are you mad?
Me: Huh? What's wrong with psych?
Friend: Well you're seriously the first one saying that psych is interesting
Me: *Roll eyes*
Honestly, yes, I don't know a lot of people who like psychiatry. In fact, most of them hate it. A few more example:
In the library last year
Friend who likes psych: I'm doing psych as an elective
Me: Oh lucky you!
Other friend: *Laughs out loud* So basically you're doing nothing for your elective
Me: Sigh
Waiting for the lift
Me: How do you find psych?
Friend at the end of his psychiatry posting: It's alright, you don't need to think too much
Me: Uhuh yeah I guess so (but then I was also thinking *If there was nothing much to think of, why did our class dragged on for so long?)
Ok so I get it, psychiatry is not famous among medical students. But how about in the world of doctors? Yeah the other specialists do back-stab each other! *evil grin*
In the lecture theater, going through some exam questions
Pediatrician: Oh that question cannot be a child psychiatry problem because it's short and to the point. There is always a long paragraph if it's dealing with psychiatry.
Audience: *laughed out loud*
Discussing the previous day mock OSCE
O&G specialist: Come on, was it that hard to see that the picture showed a uterus? Ok maybe it was hard. Let's ask a psychiatrist and see if he'll be able to recognize the organ
Me: *OMG did she just say that?*
Psychiatrist - maintained his composure and didn't utter any comment.
Well, you know what? I bet psychiatrist spend a great making fun of other doctors who have no clue how to manage a psychiatric patient.
One example of a clueless O&G specialist about psychiatric diseases:
In the clinics
Medical Officer: This patient came in with blah blah blah and she is a known case of depression
Specialist: Ah depression. You have to be careful about what you tell her.Otherwise she might turn into schizophrenia
Me *Trying so hard not to laugh*
What else is left to say? Psychiatry is definitely not one of those specialties that people want to get into. As for me, I still think that it was one of my most interesting and amazing posting so far!
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